人教(PEP)六年级英语上册教案设计《Unit4 I have a pen pal.》Lesson1(10)
S1: Who is your best friend?
S2: Harry is my best friend.
S1: Where does he live?
S2: He lives in England.
S1: What are his hobbies?
S2: He likes dancing and playing basketball. What about you?
S1: My best friend is Lily. She likes reading books, drawing pictures and travelling.
S2: Wonderful! I also like travelling.
(3)教师评价、生生互评。学习谚语“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
(4)思考:What kind of friend can be called “good friend”?学生发表意见,教师引导出谚语“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
(设计意图:本环节要求学生根据本课中的句型,并参照main scene和let’s talk部分,自主创编新的对话,以达到在真实的语境中综合运用本课所学新知的目的,这也是本课的教学难点。在活动中,学生能运用“新鲜出炉”的英语做事,大家积极参与、踊跃表现,体会到了合作精神,课堂氛围也被推向了高潮。)