外研社英语五年级上册《New York is in the east of America》教案
[1]、能听懂、会说并认读单词:San Francisco、Canada、Mexico.
[2]、能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:New York is in the east of America.
San Francisco is in the west of America.
Canada is north of America,
Mexico is south of America.
[1]、教学中,我运用交互式白板的放大镜功能、超链接功能、拖拽功能、遮盖功能、屏幕捕获以及聚光灯功能、还有白板笔的书写功能,使知识的学习不再枯燥乏味 ,使抽象的句型至一个个生动的情景与活动之中,学习过程自然轻松,也能更好地启志开思。
3 情感态度与价值观
[2]、能口头运用“New York is in the east of America。Canada is north of America,Mexico is south of America.”这类句型来说明地理位置。
能灵活运用“New York is in the east of America.”这类句型,说出某个国家或城市的地理位置。
[1]、师生英语问好T:Class begin. Hello,boys and girls.Ss: Hello ,Miss Han.
[2]、Say the chant(方位词的韵诗热身。)
T: Today We’re having a lesson here.Are you happy? Ss:yes.Let’s say a chant,OK? T and Ss:N-O-R-T-H, N-O-R-T-H,north point to up(two times)\S-O-U-T-H, S-O-U-T-H,south point to down…
T:Look,This is a big Chinese map.I will ask you some questions.Where are you from? S:I’m from…Where is it? It’s in the…of China.
通过白板笔点选切换,快速引导。并用英语句式I’m from Benxi Liaoning.(我来自于本溪辽宁) 引出辽宁的具体地理位置。It’s in the north of China”(辽宁在中国的北部。)并继续追问学生:“Where are you from?”让学生用所学方位词以及句型结合地图来回答。Then show another picture.T:Look at the picture.Who’s he? S:Simon. T:Where is Simon from? S:Simon’s from New York.T:Where is New York?S: New York is in the east of America.
白板出示图片引出本课人物Simon和第一地点纽约。并引导学生说出句型:“Simon’s from New York in America.”然后进一步追问:“Where is New York?”学生回答:“New York is in the east of America.(纽约在美国东边。)Have the students to practise saying the new sentence: “New York is in the east of America.”(并让学生通过所学知识谈谈对纽约的印象。然后播放纽约视频,丰富学生视野以及对异国文化的了解。)
[1]T:Now Daming and Simon are talking about America,Let’s listen to the tape and answer.Where is San Francisco?S:“San Francisco is in the west of America.” (在介绍纽约和旧金山两座城市时,播放了两段视频,并配以相关解说,创设情境,联系生活。为学生直观展现时尚之都纽约和有着“迷人微笑的” 港口城市旧金山的城市风貌,把这些有声有色的画面带到课堂中来,这样不需要太多的语言就可以给学生身临其境的感受,激发学生学习英语的热情和情感的共鸣!在最短的时间内不仅又抓住了学生眼球,充分吸引学生并且提高注意力。更让他们了解到了西方文化。)
[2]Listen and repeat。Show the new words:Canada,Mexico.Have students to practice saying the new words.(分三步由易到难教学新词。A:老师根据音标逐一讲解。B:让学生根据音标自己快速准确读出单词。C:遮盖新单词通过手指游戏让学生根据音标快速反应读出新单词。)
[3]T:Listen again and repeat:Where is Canada?S:Canada is north of America.T:Where is Mexico?Mexico is south of America.”
[4]T:Listen and repeat then answer引出另外两个本课的新单词以及重点句型“Canada is north ofAmerica.Mexico is south of America.” (使用了白板的遮盖功能。分三个层次教学新单词。寓教于乐。对新的语言材料的整体性输入和可理解性输入。并注重了新单词与新句型的教学统一。使用了白板的图片组合与拖拽功能。使重点句型与图片更好的结合,达到破解难点的作用。)
T:Now let’s fill in the blanks.I will ask some students to come front and finish it.Use this special pen.Students write the answers on the board ,then say the sentences---“New York is in the east of America. San Francisco is in the west of America. Canada is north of America. Mexico is south of America. ”
T:Look carefully “因为加拿大和墨西哥在美国领土以外(句式里要去掉in the),而纽约和旧金山是美国的一部分.在美国境内(句式里一定要有in the),所以两种句式表达法有所不同。”(使用了白板笔的书写功能。让学生更直观观察,分析与理解重点句型的联系与区别。并能积极参与使用白板的过程,真正达到了以人为本,把课堂还给学生,让学生最大限度地参与和学习。让学生使用电子白板笔完成操作,弥补了PPT在放映过程中无法编辑修改的缺陷,电子白板却可以实现在放映中通过调用“笔”进行“写画、标注”,把原来“死板”的PPT“变活。真正把课堂交还给学生,让学生成为课堂上的主人,成为新知识的真正体验者,真正达到了课堂上的互动!达到英语课堂上的听、说、读、写的完美统一!)
T:Let’s play a game.I want a student to come front and help me.Then the other students stand up quickly and say the sentences. New York is in the east of America.
San Francisco is in the west of America.Canada is north of America,
Mexico is south of America.
T:This time,Let’s finish the puzzle and say the sentences.S:New York is…San Francisco is…Mexico is…Canada is…
6.True and False.
7.Make sentences with these words.
8.Look at the pictures and act the dialogue .
T:Listen to me carefully.Where is …?S:It’s in the …of China.It’s …of…Then have students to do and say.