


当当 2009-10-13 19:55:05

  作  者: 方洲 主编
  出 版 社: 华语教学出版社
  出版时间: 2008-4-1
  字  数: 84000
  版  次: 2
  页  数: 106
  印刷时间: 2008-4-1
  开  本: 大32开
  印  次: 1
  纸  张: 胶版纸
  I S B N : 9787802000650
  包  装: 平装






  1. When Should I Eat It
  2. A Snake
  3. She Can't Speak Yet
  4. My Little Sister
  5. No Pains, No Gains
  6. My Servant Will Clean It
  7. What Is Water
  8. Hunter and Lion
  9. The Forgetful Husband
  10. Watching the National Flag Rising Ceremony
  11. Why Do You Never Phone Me
  12. George
  13. That Man Knows the Future
  14. Johnny Is Busy Now
  15. I'm Only Half Mad
  16. Unity Is Strength
  17. Good Looking and Bad Looking
  18. I've Never Told a Lie in My Life
  19. I Haven't Got a Ticket
  20. The Poor Farmer and the Rich Man
  21. Flag
  22. Wall Street
  23. American Families
  24. Where Are You?
  25. Drive Alone at Night
  26. Don't Make Your Children Work too Hard
  27. Falling down the Stairs
  28. The Love for Nature
  29. The Pubic Beaches of Hong Kong
  30. Pyramids in Mexico
  31. Losing My Parking Space
  32. Make His Living with His Feet
  33. The Lion in a Farmyard
  34. What a Poor Tiger
  35. Poor and Rich
  36. How to Keep Healthy
  37. The Giraffe
  38. How Fish Lay Eggs
  39. Lightning
  40. The Light of the Sun and the Moon
  41. The Wolf and the Goat
  42. Comets
  43. Universe


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