

小学英语口语话题练习:Please have a seat

网络资源 2018-12-11 21:10:49

小学英语口语话题练习:Please have a seat

  Hello, everyone. 今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Linda去Lucy阿姨家里做客,我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。

  Linda:  Hello. Aunt Lucy, this is Linda.(你好,露西阿姨,我是琳达。)

  Lucy:   Hi, Linda.(嗨,琳达。)

  Linda:  Here are some flowers. Congratulations on your house-warming. (送你的花。祝贺你乔迁之喜。)

  Lucy:   Thank you, come on in.(谢谢你,快进来。)

  Linda:  Wow, what a nice apartment. (哇,好漂亮的公寓啊。)

  Lucy:   We are really happy to have you today. Please have a seat. Would you like some water?(很高兴你今天能来。请坐。你要喝点水吗?)

  Linda:  Thank you, I am fine. What smell is it? It‘s very good.(谢谢,我还好。什么味道?真香。)

  Lucy:   That’s a chicken I bake for our lunch. (是给我们午餐煮的鸡肉。)

  Linda:  Oh, it must be great. I am a little hungry, now. (哦,一定很好吃。我现在都有点饿了。)

  Lucy:   Great timing. Why don‘t you help yourself with some juice first?I will make the table right now.(时间刚刚好。你先喝点果汁。我马上就摆好桌子了。)

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