

小学英语口语话题练习:I wanna check in

网络资源 2018-12-10 18:19:06

小学英语口语话题练习:I wanna check in

  Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话: Katie 在外地旅行,她和父母正在宾馆办理入住手续,我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。

  Katie:  Morning, I book one room for family online. I wanna check in.


  The staff of hotel:  All right, may I have your number, please?


  Katie:  Sure. It‘s 236567.


  The staff of hotel: OK. I see. One room for family.How many days will you stay here?


  Katie:  Two nights.(两晚。)

  The staff of hotel: OK. Please pay 200 as deposit. Please check out before 2 o’clock P.M.(好。请支付200的押金。请在下午两点之前退房。)

  Katie:   OK. Here are my luggage. Can I have a luggage barrow to move my stuff?


  The staff of hotel: Sure. And don‘t forget your breakfast tickets.(当然可以了。还有别忘了你们的早餐票。)

  Katie:  Thank you.(谢谢。)

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