


美国数学大联盟官网 2017-08-01 13:26:36

  我们的理解是西方包括美国教育的“好处”之一是不在于教了学生多少“知识”及会解多少“难题”, 而是在于教了学生很多观察事物、究根求源、发现问题、解决问题的能力和动手能力, 同时鼓励学生按照自己的兴趣继续下去。这样大了以后一部分智商超群的天才学生可以做出发明创造、影响人类发展轨迹的成绩 - 像大教授、科学家等; 绝大部分智商不是那么特别杰出的大多数人可以踏踏实实地做好自己平凡而同样重要的工作 - 像工程师、技术工人、职员等, 从而各尽所能、整个社会有秩序地发展下去。

  当然,仅仅参加一个美国“数学大联盟杯赛”的初赛、复赛、甚至决赛, 不足以了解美国教育的精髓和“博大精深”, 我们鼓励和倡导学生多多学习、比较、体验各种先进的教学方法和实践,“海纳百川”。



  Ideal problems are low-threshold, high-ceiling; they offer a variety of entry points and can be approached with minimal mathematical background, but lead to deep mathematical concepts and can be connected to advanced mathematics.

  Problems considered "good" are easy to pose, challenging to solve, require connections among several concepts and techniques, and lead to significant math ideas. They offer opportunities for intellectual satisfaction and learning experiences, as well as provoking curiosity and creative thinking.

  You don't have to be a mathematician to enjoy mathematics. It is just another language, the language of creative thinking and problem-solving, which will enrich your life.

  Many people seem convinced that it is possible to get along nicely without any mathematical knowledge once you finish school. This not so: Mathematics is the basis of all knowledge and the bearer of all high culture. it is never too late to start enjoying and learning the basics of math, which will furnish our all-too sluggish brains with solid mental exercise and provide us with a variety of pleasures to which we may be entirely unaccustomed.

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